Rita Hayworth, an American film actress and dancer (born Margarita Carmen Cansino), rose to fame during the height of Hollywood. She captivated audiences and cemented her place among the most recognizable stars of her era with her mesmerizing beauty, seductive voice, and electrifying dance moves. However, Rita Hayworth was more than just a talented actress with beautiful looks. She was renowned for her wit, wisdom, and astute observations on success, love, and life. We’ll look at some of the most famous Rita Hayworth quotes in this article, which are still relevant to audiences today.
22 Rita Hayworth Quotes
- “We are all tied to our destiny and there is no way we can liberate ourselves.”
2. “Men fell in love with Gilda, but they wake up with me.”
3. “Whatever you write about me, don’t make it sad.”
4. “I think all women have a certain elegance about them which is destroyed when they take off their clothes.”
5. “When you’re in love you’re living, you matter.”
6. “I think all women have a certain elegance about them which is destroyed when they take off their clothes.”
7. “Every man I have ever known has fallen in love with Gilda and awakened with me.”
8. “I haven’t had everything from life. I’ve had too much.”
9. “I have always felt that one of the secrets of real beauty is simplicity.”
10. “Sensitive, shy — of course I was. The fun of acting is to become someone else.”
11. “All I wanted was just what everybody else wants, you know, to be loved.”
Famous Rita Hayworth Quotes
12. “No one can be Gilda twenty-four hours a day.”
13. “Just because I was married to Aly Khan, people think I’m rich.”
14. “Old age – that’s when a woman takes vitamins A through G, and still looks like H.”
15. “I’m an afternoon person.”
16. “As soon as I could stand on my own feet, I was given dance lessons…I didn’t like it very much, but I didn’t have the courage to tell my father, so I began taking the lessons. Rehearse, rehearse, rehearse, that was my girlhood.”
17. “What surprises me in life are not the marriages that fail, but the marriages that succeed.”
18. “Basically, I am a good, gentle person, but I am attracted to mean personalities.”
19. “Who wouldn’t prefer having breakfast in bed to getting up at the crack of dawn and having a cup of coffee in a studio makeup department?”
20. “Movies were much better in the days when I was doing them.”
21. “Increasingly, stars are recruited from the ranks of professional models, with the result that today’s starlets are better dressed and better groomed than ever before, though it is doubtful if they are better actresses.”
22. “I like having my picture taken and being a glamorous person. Sometimes when I find myself getting impatient, I just remember the times I cried my eyes out because nobody wanted to take my picture at the Trocadero.”
Additional Read: Rita Hayworth – Spouse, Gilda & Movies – Biography
Hayworth started her dance career by performing with her father in the nightclub act “The Dancing Cansinos.” She made her screen debut in the 1935 movie “Dante’s Inferno” when she was 16 years old, but it wasn’t until she changed her name and signed a deal with Columbia Pictures that she started to become well-known.
Her breakthrough performance was in the 1939 movie “Only Angels Have Wings,” in which she co-starred with Cary Grant. She went on to star in a number of popular movies, such as “Cover Girl” (1944), “You’ll Never Get Rich,” and “The Strawberry Blonde” (1941).
However, her performance in the 1946 movie “Gilda” solidified her reputation as a Hollywood legend. In the title role, Hayworth portrayed a seductive nightclub singer who gets caught up in a convoluted love triangle. She received a lot of praise for her performance, especially for her performance of the song “Put the Blame on Mame,” which has since become one of the most recognizable scenes in movie history.
Hayworth’s personal life was turbulent despite her success in the movies. She battled alcoholism and was married five times, including to Prince Aly Khan and Orson Welles. Her daughter Princess Yasmin Aga Khan became an advocate for Alzheimer’s research in her honor after receiving a diagnosis of the disease in the 1980s.
At the age of 68, Hayworth passed away on May 14, 1987. She is still regarded as a beloved character in Hollywood history, having made a lasting impression on audiences with her beauty, talent, and timeless allure.