We do not sell the names, email addresses, or other personal information you enter on our website to any third parties, including advertising, unless you give us permission, such as when you register for a contest, a survey, or a specific service or information.
You will need to register for some of the features and services on our website and supply certain information as part of the registration process. On our site, third-party advertisers may give you the chance to get information, participate in a survey, or buy something.
We’ll use the information you submit to provide you with more customized features and make our site more helpful to you.
You are free to refuse to disclose the information asked by us or an advertiser, but please note that we or the advertiser may subsequently be unable to offer you with the services or opportunities you desire. You agree that we (or the advertiser with whom you register) may use your information to contact you for customer service, to notify you of changes or additions to our site or services offered, and to send you any administrative notices or other information relevant to your use of our site when you register.
Children must obtain permission from their parents before disclosing any personal information about themselves on the Internet. This is also true for us. If you are under the age of 16, please do not provide us with any personally identifying information about yourself.
Uganda Empya will not knowingly collect personally identifying information about anyone under the age of 16 unless we have obtained prior consent from the child’s parent or guardian. If we discover that we have collected such information without the proper consent of an actual parent or guardian, we will delete it as soon as possible.
Our website employ “cookies,” a type of data sent to and stored on your computer that contains a unique random number that serves as a “user ID.” The cookie does not identify the actual user of our site, only the computer from which a visitor accesses our site. Even if a cookie is assigned to your computer, we will not know who you are unless you voluntarily identify yourself, such as when registering for a service. We use cookies for the following purposes: site administration, completion of a user’s requested activity, analysis, and research and development.
Our advertisers and third-party vendors who sell goods and services on our sites may also set their own cookies, which we do not and cannot control. A cookie, on the other hand, cannot read unrelated data from your hard drive. Cookies merely assist in tailoring website to your preferences.
To address changing needs, we may change and update our Privacy Policy from time to time. Any such changes will take effect as soon as they are posted. Visit this page on a regular basis for any updates that may be of interest to you.