Grant Cardone Quotes That Will Inspire You (10x Rule)

If you’re looking for some words of wisdom, you need to look no further than Grant Cardone. His quotes are the perfect way to get motivated and stay on track. Grant Cardone quotes will motivate and inspire you no matter where you are in your career—whether you’re just getting started or hoping to advance.

grant cardone quotes

Grant Cardone is a self-made millionaire and bestselling author who has built a multimillion-dollar business empire. He is a highly sought-after speaker and business consultant who has worked with some of the biggest names in the world.

It’s not every day you come across a self-made millionaire. But that’s exactly what Grant Cardone is. A New York Times best-selling author, motivational speaker, and sales trainer didn’t inherit his wealth or climb the corporate ladder. He built his empire from scratch, starting with nothing but a few dollars and a lot of determination.

Grant Cardone believes that the best way to 10X your life is to take massive action. You need to set your goals high and then take massive action to achieve them. You can’t be afraid to make mistakes or to push yourself to your limits. You also need to be constantly learning and growing. If you want to 10X your life, you need to be relentless in your pursuit of excellence.

Below are Grant Cardone quotes that will help you get motivated and take action.

66 Grant Cardone Quotes

  1. Disciplined, consistent, and persistent actions are more of a determining factor in the creation of success than any other combination of things.”

2. “If you quit caring, then you quit winning; quit winning long enough, and you will just plain quit!”

3. “Problems are opportunities, and conquered opportunities equal money earned.”

4. “Lucky people don’t make successful people; people who completely commit themselves to success seem to get lucky in life.”

5. “If you are not creating new problems for yourself, then you are not taking enough action.”

6. “All the excuses in the world won’t change one simple fact: that fear is a sign to do whatever it is you fear—and do it quickly.”

7. “You know, you don’t need to grow old to die. I was dying at the age of 20 as a result of no direction and no purpose.”

8. “Never reduce a target. Instead, increase actions. When you start rethinking your targets, making up excuses, and letting yourself off the hook, you are giving up on your dreams!”

9. “Receiving criticism is a surefire sign that you are well on your way.” 

10. “As long as you are alive, you will either live to accomplish your own goals and dreams or be used as a resource to accomplish someone else’s.”

best grant cardone quotes

Motivational Grant Cardone Quotes

11. “Never take the position that things just happen to you; rather, they happen because of something you did or did not do.”

12. “Born broke is not the issue, staying broke is.” 

13. “Think about it: What’s the worst thing that can happen to you if you just totally go for it?”

14. “There are certain things in life that have limits, but you don’t unless you impose limits on yourself.”

15. “A person who limits his or her potential success will limit what he or she will do to create it and keep it.”

16. “One of the major differences between successful and unsuccessful people is that the former look for problems to resolve, whereas the latter make every attempt to avoid them.”

17. “Rich people can change the world. poor people can’t do that.”

18. “Let your friends, family, and work associates know that you treat average like a terminal disease.” 

19. “Don’t be confused by what looks like luck to you. Lucky people don’t make successful people; people who completely commit themselves to success seem to get lucky in life.”

20. “An interesting thing about success is that it’s like a breath of air; although your last breath of air is important, it’s not nearly as important as the next one.”

cardone quotes

Grant Cardone Quotes on 10x Rule 

21. “I suggest that you become obsessed about the things you want; otherwise, you are going to spend a lifetime being obsessed with making up excuses as to why you didn’t get the life you wanted.” 

23. “Anyone who minimizes the importance of success to your future has given up on his or her own chances of accomplishment and is spending his or her life trying to convince others to do the same.”

24. “An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest.” 

25. “I suggest that you become obsessed about the things you want; otherwise, you are going to spend a lifetime being obsessed with making up excuses as to why you didn’t get the life you wanted.”

26. “Success tends to bless those who are most committed to giving it the most attention.”

27. “it is better to make something happen—good or bad—than to have it happen to you.”

28. “If nobody hates you, nobody knows you.” 

29. “The goal has to be more valuable than the risk—or you have determined the wrong target. So”

30. “No commitment equals no results.”

10x rule grant cardone quotes

Best Grant Cardone Quotes

31. “I love the feeling that comes with being obsessed about an idea, and I admire seeing others who are that fanatical.”

32. “Anyone who minimizes the importance of success to your future has given up on his or her own chances of accomplishment and is spending his or her life trying to convince you to do the same.”

33. “Weak and overwhelmed individuals respond to others’ success by attacking it.”

34. “What if the only thing standing in the way of your greatness was that you just had to go after everything obsessively, persistently, and as though your life depended on it?”

35. “People’s failure to think big enough usually means they will never act big enough, often enough, or persistently enough!” 

36. “challenges. The idea of being overwhelmed, I believe, is the result of never taking enough action to generate enough winning.”

37. “Weak and overwhelmed individuals respond to other’s success by attacking it.”

38. “This is the problem with many members of the middle class. They go after what they’ve deemed necessary rather than ever going really big.”

39. “Extremely successful people know that their efforts must continue in order for them to realize new achievements. Once the hunt for a desired object or goal is abandoned, the cycle of success comes to an end. Someone”

40. “Regardless of the timing, the economy, the product, or how big your venture is, the right acts done to the right degree over time will make you successful.”

Inspirational Grant Cardone Quotes

41. “One of the greatest turning points in my life occurred when I stopped casually waiting for success and instead started to approach it as a duty, obligation, and responsibility.”

42. “You will not have a successful life surrounded by negative people.” 

43. “Wake up! No one is going to save you. No one is going to take care of your family or your retirement. No one is going to “make things” work out for you. The only way to do so is to utilize every moment of every day at 10X levels.”

44. “Think about the last time you got hurt. You were probably trying to protect something right before it happened.”

45. “Extremely successful people know that their efforts must continue in order for them to realize new achievements. Once the hunt for a desired object or goal is abandoned, the cycle of success comes to an end.”

46. “I would rather fail pushing forward than in retreat.”

47. “Average is a failing plan! Average doesn’t work in any area of life. Anything that you give only average amounts of attention to will start to subside and will eventually cease to exist.”

48. “When you are taking massive action, you aren’t thinking in terms of how many hours you work.”

49. “Success is no different than any other skill. Duplicate the actions and mindsets of successful people and you will create success for yourself.”

50. “Become so sold, so convinced, so committed to your company, product, and service that you believe it would be a terrible thing for the buyer to do business anywhere else with any other product.”

Famous Grant Cardone Quotes

51. “work is better than vacation—and it is important to have a purpose to wake up each day.”

52. “That is what lower performers do; they make others wrong for doing what is necessary in order to make themselves feel okay about doing nothing! The highest performers—the winners—respond by studying successful people and duplicating success.”

53. “Show up early, treat people with respect and perform at the highest levels till the world can’t deny you.”

54. “When people start limiting the amount of success they desire, I assure you they will limit what will be required of them in order to achieve success and will fail miserably at doing what it takes to keep it.”

55. “I don’t have time is the biggest lie you tell yourself.” 

56. “The moment you start thinking someone else’s gain is your loss, you limit yourself by thinking in terms of competition and shortages.”

Grant Cardone Quotes on Success and Hard Work

57. “Whether I am in control or not, I still elect to claim responsibility and control so that I can do something to improve my situation going forward.”

58. “You have to approach the notion of success the way good parents approach their duty to their children; it’s an honor, an obligation, and a priority.”

59. “Comfort makes more prisoners than all the jails combined.”

60. “in order to get to the next level of whatever you’re doing, you must think and act in a wildly different way than you previously have been. You cannot get to the next phase of a project without a grander mind-set, more acceleration, and extra horsepower.”

61. “Realistic thinking is based on what others think is possible—but they are not you and have no way of knowing your potential and purposes.”

62. “Success is not the result of making money, money is the result of success.” 

63. “Doubt is your enemy.” 

64. “Obsession is what you will need to set 10X goals and to follow them up with 10X actions. Remember”

65. “success is not something that happens to you; it’s something that happens because of you and because of the actions you take. People who refuse to take responsibility generally”

66. “Nothing happens to you; it happens because of you.”

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