Edgar Allan Poe was a master of dark and brooding poetry. His words are full of mystery and intrigue, and his quotes are no exception. Here are some of the best Edgar Allan Poe quotes to get you thinking about life, death, and everything in between.
Edgar Allan Poe was born in Boston, Massachusetts, on January 19, 1809. He was the second son of David and Elizabeth Arnold Poe. His father, a Revolutionary War veteran, had abandoned the family before Poe was born, and his mother died when Poe was two. Poe was taken in by John and Frances Allan, a successful tobacco merchant and his wife, in Richmond, Virginia.
The Allans never formally adopted Poe, but they were very supportive of him and provided him with a comfortable home and a good education.
Poe was an excellent student and a talented writer.
In 1827, Poe entered the University of Virginia, but he was expelled after just one semester. He then moved to Baltimore, where he enlisted in the United States Army. He served for less than a year before being discharged for unspecified reasons.
He briefly worked as a newspaper editor before moving to Philadelphia in 1838. It was in Philadelphia that Poe met his future wife, Virginia Clemm. The couple married when Virginia was just thirteen years old and Poe was twenty-seven.
Poe’s writing career was successful, and he published a number of stories and poems, including “The Raven,” “The Tell-Tale Heart,” and “The Fall of the House of Usher.” He also worked as a literary critic and wrote extensively on the mechanics of writing.
Poe died in Baltimore on October 7, 1849, at the age of forty. The cause of his death is still unknown, but it is believed that he died of alcoholism or tuberculosis.
74 Edgar Allan Poe Quotes
- “Believe nothing you hear, and only one half that you see.”
2. “Years of love have been forgot, In the hatred of a minute.”
3. “The memory of a past happiness is the anguish of today”
4. “I felt that I breathed an atmosphere of sorrow.”
5. “Never to suffer would never to have been blessed.”
6. “Those who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night.”
7. “They who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night.”
8. “All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream.”
9. “I remained too much inside my head and ended up losing my mind”
10. “Even for those to whom life and death are equal jests. There are some things that are still held in respect.”
Famous Edgar Allan Poe Quotes
11. “It is impossible to say how first the idea entered my brain; but once conceived, it haunted me day and night.”
12. “If you wish to forget anything on the spot, make a note that this thing is to be remembered.”
13. “A wrong is unredressed when retribution overtakes its redresser.”
14. “Now this is the point. You fancy me a mad. Madmen know nothing. But you should have seen me. You should have seen how wisely I proceeded.”
15. “All that we see and seem is but a dream within a dream.”
16. “I heard all things in the heaven and in the earth.I heard many things in hell.”
17. “I have great faith in fools – self-confidence my friends will call it.”
18. “We gave the Future to the winds, and slumbered tranquilly in the Present, weaving the dull world around us into dreams.”
19. “I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity.”
20. “Sleep, those little slices of death — how I loathe them.”
21. “Invisible things are the only realities.”
Thought-Provoking Edgar Allan Poe Quotes
22. “Stupidity is a talent for misconception.”
23. “Imperceptibly the love of these discords grew upon me as my love of music grew stronger.”
24. “We had always dwelled together, beneath a tropical sun, in the Valley of the Many Colored Grass.”
25. “I went as a passenger, having no other inducement than a kind of nervous restlessness which haunted me as a fiend”
26. “Words have no power to impress the mind without the exquisite horror of their reality.”
27. “This story is told through the eyes of a madman. Who, like all of us, believed he was sane.”
29. “Every poem should remind the reader that they are going to die.”
30. “I am above the weakness of seeking to establish a sequence of cause and effect, between the disaster and the atrocity.”
31. “That man is not truly brave who is afraid either to seem or to be, when it suits him, a coward.”
Edgar Allan Poe Quotes on Life
32. “It is by no means an irrational fancy that, in a future existence, we shall look upon what we think our present existence, as a dream.”
33. “I dread the events of the future, not in themselves but in their results.”
34. I was never really insane except upon occasions when my heart was touched.”
35. “Where the good and the bad and the worst and the best have gone to their eternal rest.”
36. “Art is to look at not to criticize.”
37. “For the moon never beams without bringing me dreams”
38. “Science has not yet taught us if madness is or is not the sublimity of the intelligence.”
39. “All religion, my friend, is simply evolved out of fraud, fear, greed, imagination, and poetry.”
40. “Beauty of whatever kind, in its supreme development, invariably excites the sensitive soul to tears.”
41. “The death of a beautiful woman is, unquestionably, the most poetical topic in the world.”
42. “The scariest monsters are the ones that lurk within our souls…”
43. “To him, who still would gaze upon the glory of the summer sun, there comes, when that sun will from him part, a sullen hopelessness of heart.”
44. “I’m a writer. Therefore, I am not sane.”
45. “We loved with a love that was more than love.”
46. “Leave my loneliness unbroken”
47. “Those who dream by day are cognizant of many things that escape those who dream only at night.”
48. “A short story must have a single mood and every sentence must build towards it.”
49. “If you are ever drowned or hung, be sure and make a note of your sensations.”
50. “I do believe God gave me a spark of genius, but he quenched it in misery.”
51. “Mysteries force a man to think, and so injure his health.”
52. “I have graven it within the hills, and my vengeance upon the dust within the rock.”
53. “Experience has shown, and a true philosophy will always show, that a vast, perhaps the larger, portion of truth arises from the seemingly irrelevant.”
54. “The idea of God, infinity, or spirit stands for the possible attempt at an impossible conception.”
55. “It was night, and the rain fell; and falling, it was rain, but, having fallen, it was blood.”
56. “A feeling, for which I have no name, has taken possession of my soul.”
57. “If a poem hasn’t ripped apart your soul; you haven’t experienced poetry.”
58. “For my own part, I have never had a thought which I could not set down in words, with even more distinctness than that with which I conceived it.”
59. “Yet mad I am not and very surely do I not dream.”
60. “You are rich, respected, admired, beloved; you are happy, as once I was. ”
61. “The eye, like a shattered mirror, multiplies the images of sorrow.”
62. “I was never kinder to the old man than during the whole week before I killed him.”
63. “He who pleases is of more importance to his fellow man than he who instructs.”
64. “As a poet and as a mathematician, he would reason well; as a mere mathematician, he could not have reasoned at all.”
65. “We gave him a hearty welcome, for there was nearly half as much of the entertaining as of the contemptible about the man..”
66. “There is no passion in nature so demoniacally impatient, as that of him who, shuddering upon the edge of a precipice, thus meditates a Plunge.”
67. “Sensations are the great things, after all. Should you ever be drowned or hung, be sure and make a note of your sensations; they will be worth to you ten guineas a sheet.”
68. “I am walking like a bewitched corpse, with the certainty of being eaten by the infinite, of being annulled by the only existing Absurd.”
69. “To vilify a great man is the readiest way in which a little man can himself attain greatness.”
70. “The pioneers and missionaries of religion have been the real cause of more trouble and war than all other classes of mankind.”
71. “The look on his face frightened me terribly, but at the same time I was pleased not to be alone any more.”
72. “The depth lies in the valleys where we seek her, and not upon the mountain-tops where she is found.”
73. “Because it was my crime to have no one on Earth who cared for me, or loved me.”
74. “No thinking being lives who, at some luminous point of his life of thought, has not felt himself lost amid the surges of futile efforts at understanding, or believing, that anything exists greater than his own soul.”